2. Differences between demo and registered version
3. Installation
4. Configuration
5. How to play
6. Buttons and Menus
7. How to register
8. Troubleshooting
9. Performance Tuning
10. Tips & Tricks and FAQ
Appendix A. Copyright Notices
1. Introduction
Thank you for testing or purchasing Jump Zampoli. We have compiled a bunch of infos for you in this document to avoid problems and to give you the best possible experience of Jump Zampoli game play. Read this document carefully and follow the instructions. The RampZamp team hopes you will enjoy our products and you become a part of the funny world of the Zampolis.
2. Differences Demo and Registered Version
In the demo you are only able to play the first stage including the first boss. The Registered
Version features 8 stages with 8 different bosses which means 64 levels of stunning gameplay , 4 Zampolis to play with and additional balloon types for more variation in gameplay.
3. Installation
The installation is straight forward and requires only three steps.
Step 1: After you have downloaded JumpZampoli.sit.bin or JumpZampoli.sit.hqx you have to decompress the archive into a folder of your choice. Use a decompression utility of your choice (DropStuff) and drag the "Jump Zampoli" folder into a location of your choice on your hard disk.
Step 2: If you have not installed the newest versions of the Apple Game Sprockets, move all files from the "System Extensions" folder of the "Jump Zampoli" folder into your "Extensions" folder into the "System Folder" of your Hard Disk.
Step 3: Configure the applications display hardware, if you use a graphics card, that supports
page flipping and configure the input controller for your needs.
4. Configuration
Jump Zampoli lets you configure some features of the application to perfectly adapt it
to your machine and your needs. You could configure all features in the Preferences Dialog,
that could be reached through the main screen or the game menu.
4.1 Configure Display Hardware
- you could select the tint of your game from "Sepia" with few colors to "Bonbon" with saturated colors.
- if you do not want to see the "Confirm Resolution Switch" Dialog every time the game
switches to a another screen mode, you should uncheck the "Confirm Resolution Switch" checkbox. This only happens if the MacOS get aware, that the screenmode may not be
- if you have more than one gfx card suitable for Jump Zampoli, you could select the screen on
which you want to play on with the "Select Screen..." dialog.
- if you use other graphics hardware than the build in 7300,7500,7600,8500,8600 internal graphics card that supports page flipping, you have to check "Manual Sync" to avoid timing problems with the game. This is a bug fix for Draw Sprocket, that do not support graphics cards in the right way.
If you upgrade Draw Sprockets, there might be a fix and the "Manual Sync" may cause problem. You have to switch it off.
- You could uncheck "Page Flipping", if you encounter problems with your gfx card and on PowerBooks. Normally you do not need to use this box.
- "Default Refresh Rate". Jump Zampoli searches for a Screen Resolution with 640x480 pixels with the "Default Refresh Rate". The "Default Refresh Rate" is 67 Hz. Do not touch this, if you do not encounter problems. This speed is optimal for the game and other refresh rates may render the game unusable. But if your computer switches to a resolution and refresh rate, you do not like or you could not see or that is not near 67Hz, you could edit this field to select another refresh rate.
4.2 Configure Input Controller
- if you have the Input Sprockets installed correctly, you could activate "Configure Controller..." to setup preferred keys and supported game devices like joysticks and pads.
4.3 Configure Audio and Music
- You could configure Jump Zampoli to use stereo sound. You could experience the location of the balloons and zampolis in the stereo field. But this features slows down the game a bit. It has no effect on mono speakers.
- "Sound Interpolation" could improve the quality of the music, but has some performance drawbacks.
- "Ambient Volume" the volume of the background noise.
- "Music Volume" the volume of the music.
- "Sound Volume" the volume of your sounds.
- "Sound Channels" the number of sound channels used to produce sound effects. By limiting the channels you could save processor power, but some sounds may be cropped.
4.4 Configure Difficulty of the game
- You could make the game a little bit easier, if you have 2 Zampolis on start of every stage.
- If the game is too fast or too slow for you, try changing the speed. Adjust the speed of
the seesaw, too.
- You could also adjust the speed of the seesaw. With slower speed the seesaw seem to be more controlable, but it harder to follow the Zampolis if they gain speed.
5. How to play
5.1 Story
Visit the Zampoli Lair at "http://www.RampZamp.com/lair.html" to learn more about the Zampolis and their adventures.
5.2 Gameplay
In Jump Zampoli you have to burst all balloons in a level, without letting the Zampolis fall onto the ground. If the Zampolis fall once too often onto the ground they refuse to jump again and the game is over. You could see the amount of possible crashes left as Zampoli Heads on the bottom left of the game screen. With the seesaw that could be moved on the bottom of the screen, the player is able to catch one Zampoli and catapult the other into the air. The seesaw could be moved left and right as well as turned, which is useful in two ways. First you are able to catch a Zampoli in the corners of the gamefield and second you could influence the direction the catapulted Zampoli is flying. If you move the seesaw in the moment a Zampoli is starting it gets some additional speed in the direction the seesaw is moved. With this feature you could influence the starting angle of the Zampoli a little more. This is an advanced exercise and not easy to master.
The flight of the Zampolis is influenced by gravity. If they start from the seesaw they have a
certain speed, that is decreased the higher they fly to the point they fall back to the ground.
Now the gravity increases the speed downwards. Is a Zampoli fast enough, that he hits the ceiling, he will be stopped and start falling down. You have to understand and play with the flying capabilities of the Zampolis to play the game properly.
We created two types of balloons in Jump Zampoli, which could be classified by the way they reflect the little dwarves. Circular balloons are elastic and reflect back the Zampoli in the same way he came. Rectangular balloons do only deflect the Zampoli in one direction. Some balloons have very weak hulls, that could be burst before they reflect in one or another way. The Zampoli could fly simply through them. Other balloons have very strong hulls, that must be hit more than once. They change their color to indicate the state they are in. Another type of balloons could carry one or more balloons into them and will show them, in the moment they burst. In addition to this "normal" balloons there are several kinds of special balloons in the game. They could have a good effect, like multiplying your score or spending extra Zampolis. Bad balloons could influence the flying abilities of the Zampolis and make the game harder. Balloons, that make negative scores or divide your scores are also present. If special balloons have a temporary or variable influence, their effect is displayed as a clip in the upper corners of the game screen. On the left are the score modifiers and on the right could be the negative score and the speed up found.
Another important special is the bomb balloon, which is neither good or bad. It simply destroys the balloons in its range. This could be good, if the bomb destroys bad balloons, but also bad if the bomb destroys a extra Zampoli balloon for example. Balloons that are destroyed have no effect.
Some balloons called "Blocker" could not be destroyed and do not have to. The circular "Blocker" could be destroyed if they are hitten from above. Blocker with a hat, are "Blocker Maker". This ugly balloons do transform their neighbours balloons in a certain way.
For every balloon that is bursted by the Zampolis the player gets scores in the middle bottom of the screen. If a Zampoli does burst many balloons, he gets an acrobatic bonus.
The player could earn additional Zampolis if he collects the balloons with the letters ZAMP, that are displayed in the bottom right of the screen.
If all balloons are bursted, except the red and white "Blocker"-balloons, a magical hole appears at the top of the screen. Catapult your Zampoli into it to complete a level.
Jump Zampoli features 8 Levels. In the last level of a stage the player faces a boss balloon. This very special and difficult balloon has to be bursted like the others. But the boss has a very strong hull. The state of its hull is displayed on the left and the right of the screen with a red line. For every hit the lines are decreased a little. If booth lines have vanished, the boss bursts and if all helpers of the boss are burst also, the stage is completed. After each stage all Zampolis and letters are transferred into scores and the next stage could be started from scratch with your so far reached score. Jump Zampoli features 64 levels in 8 stages.
6. Buttons and Menus
Button Menu Function
New New Game/Player.. create new game
Continue Continue Game/Player... continue last level
Load Load Game/Player... load a saved stage of play
Save Save Game/Player... save the current stage of play
Help Help Screens with informations about gameplay and balloons
About About... about dialog and register to information
Highscore Display Highscores... screen with highscores
Prefs Preferences... preferences for game
Quit Quit... quit application
7. How to register
Jump Zampoli could be registered for $20.
Registering could be done with Kagi, a well known and reliable company. If you register, do not forget to fill in your postal address, or we could not create a key for you. After you have
registered on the Kagi site we send you an EMail with a Key file and a code. If you are able to
receive attachments via email (<10KB) you just have to drop the keyfile into the right place.
Otherwise you could create your own one with the registration number in the registering dialog, that is displayed every time you start the game.
You can register one of two ways: A) on-line registration using a web browser, or B) off-line registration using the Register program.
A) Our online registration can be found at:
B) Using the Register program, you could find in the Jump Zampoli folder:
Run the Register program and fill out the form:
Very Important: You need to enter your name, email and postal address.
The form accepts many different payment methods such as: US Check, Money Order, Cash
(in many different currencies), Visa, Mastercard, American Express, First Virtual, and
Invoice (to be given to your accounts payable department).
Send it to Kagi Shareware: Then either email the data generated by the registration program or print it and send it via postal mail or fax. Credit card information is encrypted by the Register program.
The address to send the completed form is output by Register when you Print or Copy the completed form. The addresses are:
Email: <shareware@kagi.com>
FAX: +1 510 652 6589
Kagi Shareware
1442-A Walnut Street #392-PL
Berkeley, California, 94709-1405
If you are concerned that this might be a clever forgery, feel free to mail us at
8. Troubleshooting
We hope you never have to read this section, but if a problem occurs, you could find first
steps to solve it here.
8.1 Jump Zampoli crashes after "New" or "Continue".
- Try increasing the applications preferred memory size.
How? Activate the Jump Zampoli Icon by clicking on it. Open the Finder file menu and open
the Get Info... Dialog. Edit the preferred Memory Number and add about 1000. Try starting
Jump Zampoli again.
8.2 Jump Zampoli could not be controlled with my controller.
- Your controller is not supported by the Input Sprocket.
Use the Keyboard Emulation Extension of your Game Controller and Match Keyboard Controls with your controller extension.
- Input Sprockets are not installed. The Keys used are
"Cursor Right", to move the seesaw right.
"Cursor Left", to move the seesaw left.
"Space", to turn the seesaw.
"ESC", to quit the game.
"F15/Pause", to pause the game.
- You have not configured the Input Sprocket. Use "Configure Controller" in Preferences Dialog.
8.3 Jump Zampoli quits with an Alert on startup.
- You have not installed the sprockets file. Install the sprocket files as described in 3 step 2.
- You have removed one or more files from the Jump Zampoli Folder: Reinstall Jump Zampoli.
- You have encountered an error during download: The archive you downloaded was corrupt, try downloading again.
8.4 Jump Zampoli has sometimes wrong colors. Looks like inverse black and white.
- deactivate Page Flipping in the Preferences panel and try again.
8.5 The Screen keeps black after "New" or "Continue" and switches back to the main window after a few seconds. You may see an unreadable dialog.
- Your machine is not correct configured or your gfx card drivers are buggy. The gfx card could
be switched to a resolution, that is not supported by your monitor. Check the instructions of
your monitor and your gfx card.
- Try switching of "Confirm Resolution Switch". Under some circumstances the Confirm dialog is not readable.
8.6 The animations are jerky and do vary in speed.
- You have a gfx card, "Manual Sync" checked and recently updated the Apple Draw Sprocket: Unswitch "Manual Sync" in the Preferences Dialog.
- You have a powerbook: Sorry, Powerbooks have very slow graphics hardware and are not very usable for games.
- Your machine performance is very bad. Check the Performance Tuning chapter of this document.
8.7 I could not play on the monitor I want to play.
- This is because the monitor not available does not support the features, Jump Zampoli needs or the other gfx card is much better for Jump Zampoli.
8.8 The Display is translucent and/or flickers.
- Disable "Page Flipping". This is a bug in Apple Game Sprockets at the moment.
8.9 The Game Screen is distorted.
- You have video mirroring activated. On some machines the Video Mirroring does conflict with Page Flipping. Uncheck "Page Flipping" in the Preferences Dialog.
8.10 The frame around the gamefield displays a random color and noise around the game. Sometimes it flickers.
This is a bug of Apple Game Sprocket in conjunction with fixed frequency monitors, which means you use such a monitor, a monitor adapter for fixed frequency monitors or a Powerbook.
We hope Apple will fix this soon. You could avoid flickering by disabling "Page Flipping" in
the Preferences Dialog.
With all other problems and if these strategies do not remove your problem contact
RampZamp via email at support@RampZamp.com. Please note in your mail:
1. RampZamp Program name and Version number.
2. Machine you try to run Jump Zampoli on.
3. Memory available after booting.
4. Virtual Memory installed.
5. MacOS Version you run.
6. Apple Game Sprocket (Draw Sprocket and Input Sprocket) version numbers
7. GFX Cards and Monitors you use
9. Performance Shooting
Here are some tricks to tune the performance of Jump Zampoli.
9.1 Switch of Virtual Memory.
9.2 Switch of more or one of Music, Atmosphere sounds, Stereo Sound, Sound Interpolation.
some more tips, that could increase overall performance of your system but have drawbacks to your financial situation:
- On 7200,8200,7300,7500,7600,8500,8600 machines upgrade to 4MB VRAM.
- If you have less than 8 MB free memory after reboot, upgrade to more RAM.
- Buy a gfx card that supports page flipping on systems other than 7300, 7500, 7600, 8500, 8600. These cards are faster with 4MB VRAM installed, because of their fast memory bus to Video Ram.
Some machines are equipped with hardware that does support page flipping, but the drivers do
not support this feature yet. Ask your gfx card manufacturer and Apple about the situation.
Mention that you want reasonable Hardware Blitting Support and VRAM memory management as well. This would support future game development efforts.
10. Tips & Tricks and FAQ
10.1 I do not like the music, what could I do?
You could switch off the music in the Preferences Panel by setting the Music Volume to off.
If you do no like the Silence, activate atmosphere sounds.
10.2 The Zampolis are too fast for me and I have too few Zampolis?
You could set the speed of the game to slow and increase the Zampolis you start with to 1.
10.3 The game is definitely too easy for me?
You could set the speed to fast and decrease the Zampolis you start with to 0.
Appendix A: Copyright Informations
Apple and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Apple Game Sprockets are a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.